You did read that right.... I am thankful for Celiac Disease! Sounds crazy I know.... but I'm serious! Sure there are a lot of negatives, but what fun is it to focus on those? Doing that isn't going make it any easier or make it go away... so what the hell.... be positive!
![A MUST for being GF!](
1. I can control it:
This disease is only going to kill me if I let it. All it takes is a lot of will power and some education and I am in the driver's seat. And the best part is that I can control it without pharmacueticals.... yay, no long lists of side effects... just good healthy eating!
2. I eat a lot more healthy now:
Before I used to eat crap.... like seriously just junk! I hated vegetables, I ate processed garabage all the time, and not to mention all kinds of sugar. But Celiac has forced me to focus on healing my digestive system and my entire body, and it has taken me on a journey that has completely changed the way I eat for the better!
3. I eat a lot of things that I probably never would have tried:
I used to be a very picky eater... I am still a very picky eater, but in a very different way. The last vacation we went on I ate octopus and duck because they were the only gluten free options at the restaurant on those nights... I never would have ate those things if it wasn't for celiac disease. And you know what... they weren't bad. I am used to trying some gf cardboard foods so branching out and trying things that might not taste so good isn't that big of a deal to me anymore... and it has opened up a whole new world of food possibilities to me.
4. It forces me to buy more healthy and organic foods:
Yes it is a bit more expensive to eat gluten free, but the fact that eating healthy foods that are naturally gluten free steers me towards foods that tend to be way less processed and a whole lot healthier is well worth it to me and my intestines. I would never spend the money on healthier foods if I didn't have a darn good reason. We eat a lot of fresh veges and fruits now and I make my own sauces and dressings... which is a lot healthier and a lot yummier!
5. You find out who your friends are.... or aren't!
6. I cook at home a lot more:
For a while I hated GF cooking because it was too stressful for me... it was too much to think about. But I have embraced it, and I love it. We eat pretty clean at the RRI now and it is satisfying and delicious!
7. Cooking at home is a lot cheaper:
Like I said in #6, we tend not to eat out a lot because I like the control of knowing that I made something myself and I knowing exactly what's in it. This means we save money becasue we aren't going out for dinner and drinks. This means there is more money to buy shoes, or go on beach vacations... and that makes this celiac very happy!
8. I have a fabulous excuse to be way picky about my food:
Sometimes I abuse this... but hey... its a perk of this disease. If there is something that I think I won't like I can always just say I'm "allergic" and nobody asks questions. ;)
9. Being a part of an entire community of celiacs:
It started with the support group that I attend, and it has spread from there to me finally sharing my story with the world through this blog... and it feels great! I embrace the whole celiac lifestyle and the chance to help others learn to cope and thrive in a gluten free world. I love both teaching and learning about gluten free-ness and I am always ready to share stories, recipes, favorite foods, beauty products, or anything and everything gluten free.
10. I can still have good cocktails:
Whiskey, Wine, Rum, Tequila, Vodka... the list goes on. I have an excuse to drink the good stuff and don't have to look high maintenance when I order something other than a beer at a bar!
11. Getting to choose where we eat out:
When I do go out to eat with friends or family I typically get to choose where because they want to make sure we go somewhere that I can eat something. I have a selection of restaurants in my community that I am very loyal to because of the way they take care of me... and we tip accordingly :) (Thanks Mi Margarita!)
12. I have to read food labels:
Let me tell you what... if more people had to read food labels like celiacs do I would bet my bottom dollar that there would be a lot of things they wouldn't be eating! There are some crazy things in food these days... things that have been banned in other countries for goodness sakes! I am forced to pay attention to ever single ingredient that is going into my body, and that is very important in such a processed chemical world.
There you have it... 12 reasons that I LOVE Celiac Disease. Am I forgetting anything?? Why are you thankful for Celiac Disease?
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