
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Help a Celiac out... Sign the Petition!

I am sick and tired of playing hide and seek with gluten!  And let me tell you what.... gluten is getting better and better at hiding and it's kicking our butts...literally!  Sometimes it feels like we aren't even in the game anymore.  It's time that we step up our defense.... and I need your help to do it!

I don't know about you, but it think it would be absolutely amazing if I could use the time I spend reading labels to do something that I actually enjoy.  I could get a lot done in the amount of time I have to needlessly waste meticulously reading food labels.  Not to mention, it would save me A LOT of worry and stress too!  A wheat warning isn't enough... food labels need to be serious about gluten.  It has come to the point that I only purchase items that say gluten free on the packaging because gluten is hidden in so many ingredients.  But it could be so much easier...

November 1st is the last day to sign the petition that would make gluten a known allergen on food labels.  It would rank right up there with peanuts, eggs, milk, and many more.  I want Celiacs everywhere to have the peace of mind knowning that if there were gluten hiding in anything it would say GLUTEN in big fat letters in the allergen statement as a warning to us.  This doesn't have to be a dream for us anymore.... let's make it happen!

The goal is 25,000 signatures by November 1st, 2012.  When I last checked we had around 8,500 to go.    So let's get back in the game... get your name on there and spread the word!! 

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Finalize Standards for GLUTEN-FREE Labeling

The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act required Health and Human Services to set a gluten-free labeling rule by 2008 to aid people with celiac disease, a life-threatening autoimmune condition. The only known treatment is a strict gluten-free diet.
An estimated 3 million Americans have celiac and even more may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Without adequate labeling, those on a medically prescribed gluten-free diet struggle to make safe food choices and stay well.
Children with celiac cannot participate in the National School Lunch Program when food service staff cannot determine if products are gluten-free.
Congress did its part by passing the law. It is up to the White House to protect the health of millions of adults and children by finalizing the rule NOW.

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