
Friday, July 29, 2016

Trying to remove the bitch filter..

In our social media obsessed society we are beginning to apply filters to every aspect of our lives.  We all know what filters make our hair look "naturally" highlighted (aka... make all that grey look blondish!) and our skin tone look glowy and flawless.  But maybe we don't really need those filters, maybe the unfiltered versions of ourselves are even more amazing, maybe we simply need to remove our own bitch filters.

Do you ever have one of those hair days where you just give up and decide it is what it is? You go through your day thinking wow this is such a terrible hair day... Yet you keep getting compliments on your naturally halfway wavy bed head do.  Or do you ever get dressed in the morning and every single thing you put on makes you feel fat and hideous? Yet your friends love your outfit and say you look amazing. Happens to me all. the. damn. time!  For real!  So maybe instead of them being wrong and me being right, just maybe I need to remove the bitch filter!

How do I do this you ask...

I haven't got a fuckin clue, I just needed to vent! LOL

If you have any suggestions, by all means, please share! :)

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