
Monday, February 6, 2017

The Power Of Scent...My Favorite Oils For Meditation

I think a sacred space is essential for everyone!  It doesn't have to be elaborate, just a place you can go where you know you can take some deep breathes, quiet your racing mind, and get your shit together.  Just knowing I have that space does wonders for my anxiety.  

My space is all mine and it's full of things I love... A yoga mat, a salt lamp, tons of rocks, card decks, books of all kinds, my stuffed penny su puppy (I'm such a little kid 😂), a cozy blanket, a comfy chair, and a diffuser.  The diffuser really helps me set my intentions when I meditate.  Do you need to be more grounded? energized? Zen?  Creative? Work on a specific Chakra?  The power of scent is crazy effective on the body, especially the nervous system.  If you don't have a diffuser, no worries, just open a bottle of oil and take a big whif, seriously just as effective!  

Here I share a little of my aromatherapy knowledge and tell y'all what my fave oils to use for meditation are... 


  1. Clary sage: this oil not only cleanses negativity, but it also influences creativity.  It opens your eyes to new possibilities and your imagination.
  2. Sandalwood: this is for over thinkers, #soguilty! It is so powerful at calming the mind and thus allowing you to tap into your intuition.  And it simply smells ahhhhmazing!
  3. Lavender:  what is this one not good for?! Seriously! This brings serenity, and courage to express yourself and be yourself.
  4. Frankincense: this oil smells so amazing and is incredibly calming.  It helps you let go of low vibrations so you can be high vibe.  It also helps shield you from negativity.
  5. Ylang ylang: this oil reminds you to be joyful, it helps you remember that it is good to see life through your inner child's eyes.  Children focus on what they want deep down in their hearts and don't give a shit what the stressful world outside will think or expect.  This oil helps you return to that!
  6. Lemongrassthis oil is very uplifting to me, it takes me right back to punta Cana because the hotel diffusedit when  we were on our honeymoon.  It cleanses the energy in both your self and your space and gets rid of all the bad vibes and limiting beliefs.  
  7. Balance blend:  this oils simply smells fantastic and is very grounding.  
  8. Geranium: this one just reminds me of my grandmother.  Scents are so powerful, they can transport you back in time.  I like to connect with my grandma by meditating with this oil.  It is a gentle oil that facilitates all types of emotional healing.
  9. Patchouli: I like to blend my yoga and meditation practices together and this is the perfect oil for that.  It gives you an appreciation for your body, which as a gutsy girl and a recovered(ing) anorexic is very helpful.  It always helps me center myself in my body and gives me the body awareness that is so necessary for managing all my physical and mental conditions
  10. Bergamot:  this is considered the oil of self acceptance.  (Are you seeing a trend here?!). It is helpful for anyone with self esteem issues.  It is a very hopeful oil that brings about total self acceptance.

Just an FYI... a fabulous resource for some legit aromatherapy info is emotions and essential oils: a modern resource for healing.  You're welcome! 

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