Friday, December 14, 2012

Just Pray!

This isn't my typical post, but I just have some words that I need to get out... or they will run around inside my head and drive me crazy!  My husband doesn't let me watch the news and I don't argue... very rarely do they talk about anything positive.  But no matter how hard you try to shelter yourself from the negative.... it doesn't make it go away.... and today makes that loud and clear.

I know how messed up in the head I am after living through a school shooting.  I was 21 when the NIU community and I had to cope with something noone should ever have to cope with.  If as an adult I am still so affected by that one tragic day that is branded into my memory, I can't help but cry worrying about how those poor children are going to grow up in fear....Fear of things that should never be scary!  School should be a happy place filled with lots of laughter, friends, fun, and learning... definitely not bullets and psychopaths on a rampage... 

That fact that this is has beccome a terrible reality makes me sick to my stomach (and is probably the real reason why I don't have children of my own yet).  I don't know what snaps in a persons head that gives them the urge to harm innocent people, but I do know that broadcasting their bad decisions and the lives they have destroyed all over the media giving them the attention they so desire does not help the situation.  It only gives other monsters psychotic ideas and the urge to outdo the previous ones.  I also know that helicopters flying over head and persistent reporters shoving cameras in the faces of survivors and families in an attempt to get the latest story are not what those poor people need at this time.  They need prayers for courage and faith.  They need private time to deal with what they have just experienced and time to attempt to try to continue their lives... or what is left of them.


So today I will continue my tradition of avoiding the news... I will respect the much needed privacy of those families, and I will just pray.  Pray for the children... that they will someday see school as a carefree happy place and not just a dark and scary death trap.  Pray for the teachers and faculty... that they once again have the courage to return to work and the responsibilites that come along with it of caring for the lives of children that are apparently always needlessly in danger.  Pray for the families... that they can find strength in God if they have lost loved ones or courage when it comes time for their surviving children to return to school.   Pray for the policemen and paramedics... that they continue to save lives and don't let such a horrific experience stop them from doing what they are so good at.   And yes... even pray for the monsters responsible for all these ridiculous shootings.... that they might find God and think twice before carrying out such terrible careless actions.  I hope all my followers join me and do the same.  Because until someone finds a better solution to stop all this madness...prayers are all we have... so please just pray.  And when you get done praying.... just pray some more!


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