Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Why Kids Yoga?.... confidence rather than competitiveness


It's no secret that I'm crazy passionate about kids yoga...I could go on and on about why I think little bodies and minds can benefit from yoga! One of my most favorite reasons is the way it helps build a sense of confidence rather than competitiveness.  One of my most important rules when I teach any of my kids classes is; YOU BE YOU!  Don't worry about what your neighbor is doing.  Kids need an athletic outlet like this. No one is going to win or lose... we are literally all just going to get moving, breathing deep, and having fun! In a seemingly big world where everything is so competitive it must be so refreshing for the kiddos to simply get some exercise and not have anxiety about being the best all the time! 

#lilyogis #yogakids #preschoolteacher #kidsyogateacher

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