Monday, December 5, 2016

Let food be thy medicine...


I remember vividly laying in a hospital bed praying that I get to keep my colon and that I don't become addicted to morphine when the so-called "doctor" came in.  She was explaining to me the scary (like your-heart-could-stop scary) risks of a necessary potassium injection and that I get to finally try to eat soft foods.  

My response: why can't I just eat a banana?...That was the best banana I have ever eaten!

Moral of the story... medicate with food, and always, always, always take responsibility for your own health! ❤️🍌#drisntontheplanewithyou #gutsygirl #eatlikeyouloveyourself #letfoodbethymedicine #tellyourstories #apennyformyglutenfreethoughts

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